Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tracy in New York

I know,  its been a while....

Since running the race in Paris I have had an amazing holiday in France and Barcelona and also moved to New York City!

I've set up a new blog of my experience here, so if you would like to keep reading, visit www.tracyinnewyork.blogspot.com.   To my 23 subscribers, you will need to subscribe again on this new site if you are interested and would like to receive email updates of my posts.

So now I'm signing off from this one.  Anyone interested in running NY marathon in Nov 2011 - let me know - I'm thinking about it, 1 a year seems a good average to keep me in shape.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracy

    Hope you get this as you switch over to your new blog. When I got back after my hol (7 wks after the marathon), all my bookmarks had disappeared. Only got round to checking your blog (and Lewis and Holly). Well done on Paris and getting over the line in under 5 hrs. My race experience and observations similar to yours. I managed to get in in 3.44 which was my optimistic goal, so very happy. Thanks for the good wishes on your pre-race blog too. All the best in NY. Wazza
