Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ash and I have booked flights to Europe - YEY. Departing the Easter weekend I will have time to recover from any jet lag and prepare for the Big Race. Keen to lock in any early bird specials, I'm almost as excited to be flying there in the A380 as running the race!

This trip is getting bigger every time I speak to my Mum - she's coming, bringing with her 3 friends, my sister is coming in from London with maybe others and now today, Mum tells me that my big bro is coming too!! Apparently there's going to be an Aussie contingent in the crowd - flags and all - look out Paris :)

Now all I have to do is be able to run the race - that is: train, stay injury free, eat well, find a solution to the toilet issue (an upcoming blog) and well, find the right outfit!

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