Friday, October 30, 2009

This is hard

I ran to work yesterday. Approx 8.5k's, and it was hard. I'm still waiting for that 'muscle memory' to kick in that Veronique has promised will make training the second time around easier.

I'm feeling good about being motivated to get out and exercise, just finding it difficult to run for any length of time without needing to walk at intervals.

I'm conscious that I have a 10k fun run next weekend, the first of my training goals - after yesterdays effort through the hilly Eastern Suburbs, I'm hoping its a flat course!

I need to remind myself not expect too much too soon which is frustrating. After my marathon in April, I really have only run a handful of times in 6 months (where does the time fly??!!)

I keep telling myself baby steps Trace, baby steps...

I've decided I need to formalise a training schedule. So far training has been a bit ad hoc. At least then I can tick off some goals along the way and keep me a focussed on the main goal - so ok, its my task for this weekend.

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