Sunday, October 11, 2009

Training Begins - Ouch

This week has been all about getting off what has been my lazy ass for the last few months (there was that sprained ankle excuse that lasted a while) and starting a routine.

My plan is to divide the training into 2 distinct periods. From now until Christmas is all about getting fit - cross training to build up strength and keep the training interesting. I plan to do 3-4 sessions a week, mixing in running, swimming and a gym class and/or yoga.

THE GOAL - By Christmas to run 20ks in less than 2 hours

After Christmas the serious distance running with begin.

Started with a run/swim during lunch on Tuesday, more like a walk/run and in the pool I was lucky to push out 6 laps, the last 2 only because I had paid the $5 to get into the pool and felt I should get my $$ worth. I was invigorated back at the office though and know I am going to enjoy these lunch times away from the office over summer.

On Friday I went for a lazy 4k jog at lunch with my fellow Paris marathon hopefuls Steve and Sus. It was raining and cold as we ran around Mrs Macquaries Point and I don't think any of us particularly enjoyed it - Steve took off out in front (even though he has told me, I learned he's not one for social running) but his legs tightened up pretty quickly while Sus and I made the distance with only 1, or was that 2, walking patches. Never mind the stats, we are on the way...

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