Thursday, October 29, 2009

The 3k Series...

Every Wednesday for 7 weeks at lunchtime a bunch of my work colleagues step up on the Cahill Expressway and complete a 3km loop time trial - for fun!

I thought this was perfect timing in my get fit campaign as I could wear my heart rate monitor and fancy watch (love my garmin) and track my fitness through the 7 weeks.

It is a handicapped series with runners at various levels participating. The route is tough with the last half almost all uphill and a killer hill back to the finish line.

Week 1 was tough, the first one out. And there was crazy headwind as you climbed the final hill, when with all your might you felt like you were going up and down on the spot. My time was 17 mins 40 (ish), I slowed to a walk at various intervals and was just pleased to come in under the 6min/km mark. To gauge some of my colleagues, the times varied from an unbelievable 11 min to 20 mins.

Week 2 was tough again - it was so hot! My time, though the walking was less, was only 3 sec quicker than the week prior.

Yesterday was week 3, my chance to do so well in the series as the handicaps become more accurate and my fitness improves. while I was proud of my PB 16 min 22sec - one that will be tough to beat - I came an ok 5th, passed in the last 50 m by Mark (and yes I'm going to send you this post). But in the near perfect conditions, everyone was just as impressive, smashing their previous times and congrats to Sus, from last to first in a week - well done :)

I'll try again next week.

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