The first one was along Corio Bay in Geelong, I intended to do 10, ended with 11.5ks as I ran along the bay, into the Botanical Gardens and back.
We then spent a few days staying with his family in Wye River on the Great Ocean Road. What a beautiful part of the world – for those that haven’t been, add it to your list! The highlight was definitely seeing koalas in the wild, right off our verandah. We had a lovely time and though I found it a bit fresh to swim, it was perfect conditions for running. Thanks David for getting me out early one morning for a lazy 10k along the famous coastline. Thoroughly enjoyable.
While holidays interupt my training, they aren't enough to stop the km's from racking up but this Friday I have a small surgery scheduled on my claw of a finger. Trying to get this old basketball injury corrected for good is going to halt my training for the period that the stitches are in - up to 10 days says the good surgeon.
This is far from ideal but I am learning that in any journey to a marathon there are hick-ups along the way and so I am looking at this postively to give my body a rest and then will hit the road hard as soon as possible after. At the moment though, those time goals I've talked about previously are seeming somewhat out of reach.
Just finish Trace, I hear myself saying... and get out and do those 8ks at lunch tomorrow!
Ps. Thanks so much for the incredibly generous donations so far, your support has been overwhelming.