Tuesday, January 12, 2010

For the Record

Last week I ran approx 52k's - not bad. Stuck to the plan.... Well pretty much ;)

Wed 8k (followed by a nice 1.8 in the evening with Ash)
Thurs run swim run
Friday in Brisbane 9.5k around Manly
Saturday the Tamborine Mountain one didn't happen, the morning after a wedding, who was I kidding??!!
Made up for it on Sunday though with a 14k in sweltering Brisbane heat. Fi kept me inspired as I knew she was running the 1/2 mara in similar heat in Hobart at the same time - Congrats Fi, you did it!

I have hit a new hurdle though, can't really call it a cold or flu, just very blocked head, sneezing and coughing not very pleasant green stuff. I have felt ok though, so, after 2 days off, plan to test myself with a run in the morning.

Here is this week's plan:
Wednesday 10k - Bondi to Work via Centennial Park.
Thursday - lunch 8k
Friday Lunch - lazy 6k
Saturday morning, meeting marathon mentor Mark at the Nationaal Park for a nice cool 20k along a fire trail. Good way to avoid the sun at this time of year.

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