Thursday, February 25, 2010

Calling in the Big Guns

Her name is Jess.

Yes, for the first time in my life I have a personal trainer. Well for a short while anyway. 12 sessions with one goal - increase fitness level.

I thought this will be a good way to ensure I get my mid-week workouts that complement my running and push me further than I can push myself at the moment.

She is a no fuss, no excuses kind of chick.

My first session was yesterday morning and while I didn't feel too bad at the time, over the course of today I have increasingly become more sore. Especially across the chest and upper arms, I couldn't tell you that last time that area had a workout.

All up, I was happy with my performance. She said she'll break me in a session not too far away - I hope that doesn't mean me on the ground crying uncontrollably (am I watching too much Biggest Loser??).

This weekend I move house but am going to fit in a long run - the goal, according to my 6 weeks to go schedule, is 28ks. I'll keep you posted...

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