And Jess has a friend - a 3kg medicine ball.
Apparently this is my new best friend. Every run I do in training (this morning it was up and down Observatory Hill) I have to carry this green thing above my head! I'm not joking. She says it will make me strong. Hmmm was this really a good idea?
I am finally feeling a little like athletes / biggest losers must feel. Every day a different ache from the session a day or 2 before. I never thought I would get a six pack from running a marathon, but it feels like Jess is determined to give me one!
Back to the running, on the weekend I was on my feet for 30k. Note I didn't say I ran 30k. I can't say that because I was sprung at about 26 by a colleague of mine from work. It had hit the middle of the day and warmed up by then as I didn't get the early start I had planned. No excuses, I was happy to spend the extended time on my feet - all good preparation (she repeats to herself...).
Hi Trace! Just realised these are going to my work email which I am not checking! Good to see you are still going well! I am feeling very relaxed and did lots of scrapbooking today!